The Only Thing You Need to Transition Into Fall

If you live in the northeast area, my guess is that you're also trying to figure out this fall/summerish weather too. I mean, I'm not mad at it, I just need to know how to dress myself before I step foot outside. One of my favorite and super easy ways to make a summer outfit into an instant fall outfit, is simply adding an oversized cardigan. Thats honestly the only thing you need! Its the coziest yet versatile piece of clothing you can possibly own. The mustard color of this one in particularly really makes the fall theme pop a little more.ย  Lets not forget these statement earrings and awesome power rangers muscle t-shirt. I like to take playful risks with my personal style simply because it reflects my personality.So lets talk about how Urban Outfitters is slowly becoming my favorite store?! This tote is so convenient and it was really affordable. Tried to find something similar for you below. My thoughts are that an oversized cardigan will definitely get you through, while still getting away with using those favorite summer pieces you're just not ready to let go of. I get it, letting go is hard. ๐Ÿ˜œWhile your busy letting go of summer, be sure to catch me on my latest video.

love, michelle ana