Chapter 26: Heavenly Downloads & an Unexpected Friendship

My day was pretty laid back but filled with lots of strategic planning and a yummy Whole Foods lunch. Today I was thinking about how throughout the years my best work were heavenly downloads and how I always waited for the best time to share them. What do I mean by that? Time is such a precious gift that we have been given. We either waste it on aimless things or invest it on meaningful projects, relationships, hobbies, etc. What others may call an epiphany, an "ah ha" moment or a light bulb turning on, I call a "heavenly download". I just love these moments because these downloads are my most creative projects, blog posts, videos, and the list goes on. It's like it went straight from God's mouth to my ears. The main thing to consider here is how to take care of "it" and mold it for the right time.There are so many of us making so much noise and announcements prematurely, instead of letting things develop into what God wants it to reflect. When we learn to pray about things, like the right timing and what we should do in our daily lives, that is when God can intervene. After loosing Curtis there was such a hole in my life, as you can imagine. He was my best friend and husband wrapped into one person. The thing is, I have a heart for people and have been blessed to meet so many individuals from many walks of life, but I have always been super selective about friendships.I met Ana Esther of bemadewhole years ago, but it wasn't until months ago a friendship started to develop. Unexpected, is definitely the perfect word to describe our relationship, as we are both super awkward when it comes to making friends but we love people so much! I know, we're weird, but it works. God gifted us with such a divine heavenly download, that we are so excited to share with every single one of you.As broken as we both are, we have decided to freely surrender our hearts to what God has in store. This gift is not only for us but for YOU TOO! We want to share it with you guys but also extend an invitation to join us on this journey. More details will be shared as the days go by but ultimately remember that heavenly downloads and unexpected friendships are God's gifts to us.

love, michelle ana

Faith, Grief, Life Style