My Birthday: I Made It

The first thing I said to myself when I saw that it was midnight and that it was officially my birthday, was that I made it. There was a sigh of relief yet an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. I personally know that God could do as he pleases in my life but he blessed me to see another year, which means my assignment on this side of Heaven, is not over yet. There is more for me to do. He needs me to get to work.There were moments today where all I wanted was to hear from Curtis. Like if Heaven had FaceTime, today would have been the perfect day to make that happen. The beautiful thing is that I will see him again. Not too sure when, but I know someday I'll be able to worship with him again, harmonize with him again, and laugh with him again. That makes me smile.I remember in the beginning of this year I declared it a year of alignment. Getting aligned with whatever it was that God needed for me to become one with. His will, His call over my life and all that He had in store for me. I didn't realize that my pain would bring me where I am but I also know that better days are coming. My confidence comes from the fact that God's unfailing love has carried me day in and day out. Today I was surrounded by my family, friends, and you guys!! The virtual love has been oh so real and I absolutely feel so loved and lifted. Thank you all for making this birthday super special. I feel like 27 is going to be life changing. I know that I will be in places I probably never ever thought I'd be and it'd be all due to the grace and favor of the most high God.

love, michelle ana

Faith, Grief, Life Style